“Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat…” Yes, Christmas is only a few months away already, which means lots of road trips, airplane rides, and cranky kids! When I was a kid, that came with a lot of “Are we there yet’s,” “He/she won’t stop touching me’s,” “I gotta pee’s” and MORE! That makes the trip even longer. And holidays are long enough, aren’t they?
Having three kids myself, I know the aggravation of the seat kicking, screaming, whining, crying, and fighting that goes on in back seats across the globe! Being trapped in the back of a car isn’t fun, I know…….. I’ve been there! BUT, there are things that we can do as parents to help reduce those sounds (and tears).
Having three kids means that there isn’t a TON of room for toys, but bringing coloring books and crayons for younger ones, and books for older ones (or a Kindle or Nook) is a great idea! I loved to read as a kid, and thankfully didn’t get a headache from reading in a car.
Small toys are okay, but make sure that they’re not toys that are going to be fought over (I know, I know, easier said than done!).
When I was a kid, having my Walkman with me was a MUST. NO listening to my parents oldies……….blech! If you have younger kids (babies to toddlers) bringing a tape of kids songs to sing along to is great. For older kids, iPods are the new thing, right? Plus, you can steal it if the fighting gets too loud! lol
Portable DVD players are all the rage, and if you have kids who can either take turns, or share the enjoyment of the same show at the same time, these would work GREAT!
Let your teens take their phones, as long as it’s agreed upon that at the table (and during functions like opening presents) the phone is to be either turned off or turned down until it’s done. Taking pictures is acceptable, but no texting while grandma is talking lol!
Playing the license plate game is fun, too. Try to find plates from all 50 states! Figure out which one you see the most of, if going out of state, and which ones are the rarest!
I Spy works for little ones as well, but teens will probably opt out of this one!
Remember to bring snacks if your trip is a long one (and if you have very small children, bring them even if it’s only 30 minutes!). This will save you money in the long run, and drive time so you don’t have to stop every five minutes!
If you’re driving at night, remember blankets, pillows, and “lovies” if your child has one. A forgotten “blankie,” or stuffed animal can throw the whole trip into chaos!
If your child is potty training and you don’t want to spend your entire day stopping and going into gross public bathrooms, you can always bring their potty chairs with you! It makes it a ton easier if they’re familiar with the potty that they’re using :).
In the end, it’s all about YOUR attitude. Be happy, have fun, and be prepared for snags in plans. Nothing is going to go perfectly, but you can at least TRY to make it go smoothly by following some of these tips!
The post Holidays……With Children appeared first on Five in Ohio.